Opportunity for German presenter


RadioAssistant is a UK-based consultancy company. It publishes market leading industry publications in Norway and Denmark and offer a European industry news website in English. RadioAssistant works with broadcasters, owners, managers and presenters. RadioAssistant offer advise, production, content, analysis and expertise to leading brands in and around the radio industry.

RadioAssistant – on behalf of a British client – are looking for


The role

This is an exciting and unique opportunity to work in the UK with a project unlike any you have ever met. The client is a major US brand. The right candidate will present a daily programme on their in-store radio station, will function as a programme director and work with the team to develop the radio station and also be able to work creatively with promotion and marketing.

The radio station will be broadcast from the UK to GERMANY. There is an international group of radio professionals and other radio stations being created and broadcast from the UK central hub just west of London.

Who are you?

You are a presenter with some experience on the radio already. You are young and know how to communicate with other young people from teenager to those in their late twenties. You are active online and know your way around social media. You have an interest in what happens both in terms of news and entertainment and you love to entertain people.


  • You are a native German speaker.
  • You need to be able to communicate, read and write in English.
  • You are willing to move to the UK and stay for at least 12 months.

You will be offered

  • A competitive good salary.
  • Assistance in re-locating to the UK and getting settled.
  • A unique once in a lifetime opportunity.

If this is you and you want more information about this role – please contact:

Endre Juel Lundgrenendre@radioassistant.com
Please use the subject line: German presenter.
Please send your application as a one page summary. Include a photo and an mp3 file of your previous work on-air.